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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Politics, Politics, Politics

Okay!!! Here we go again. Someone sent me an email with an attachment of an article indicating the KKK was supporting Obama for president; because anyone had to be better than Hillary Clinton. Well, the article was from a British publication and I really could not verify the validity of the story, because in case you don't know, Great Britain has some devastating tabloids. The whole thing kind of puzzled me because I do not believe that the KKK would endorse an African American for nothing other that to be the guest of honor at one of their infamous "necktie parties". So, am I to believe this nonsense? I am not a fan of Hillary, but I just find that article hard to believe. Maybe the Grand Dragon or Grand Wizard believes his endorsement of Obama would make people turn away from him and vote for Hillary. A sort of "reverse psychology" so to speak. If that's the case, every individual, no matter who they are voting for, needs to be insulted. No one is that stupid. Well, we all need to get out and vote. I don't care for whom, just vote! Too many have died to see that we have the right to do so. Don't complain about policy and you fail to participate in the process.

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