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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Confederate History Month

This post will be short and sweet. Virginia declared Confederate History Month a few days ago. The beginning of the Civil War is being celebrated as some kind of great thing. Do not get it twisted! The Confederates were traitors; States Rights equals White Supremacy and Slavery; they became the cowardly KKK; they long for the "good ol' days" when every non-white was at best a second class citizen. Confederate History Month is a slap in the face of equality, promotes bigotry and turns back the hands of time. True the Civil War is a part of history and to glorify the Confederate aspects of it becomes a cruel joke. Supporters of this honoring the Confederacy demonstrate how far we really have come. Unfortunately, it has become plain we have not come far enough.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Some Can't the Forest, Because They're Looking At the Trees

I am gonna make this short and sweet: the Tea Party is comprised of a bunch of racists, bigots and zealots looking for a reason to create havoc and stagnate progress. With the economy being what it is; it is the perfect climate for fostering ignorance, hatred and blaming of the new administration. Where were they when Bush and Cheney where wrecking this country's economy and place in the world?

I am fed up with Sarah Palin, Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh. They have the right to their opinions, no matter how assinine they are. What is scary, they have so many knuckleheads listening to that garbage. They are provocative to the point of some ignorant bigot taking their rhetoric as gospel and going postal on a bunch of innocent people. Funny, they criticize politicians, but they have their own politicians who do the very things they complain about, but for them.

I believe in God as I understand him. They claim to be Christians, but I find it hard to believe. However, we all have things to answer for, come judgememnt day. Glen, Rush and Sarah, see you then!