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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same

It's nice to see the in-fighting between candidates is still alive and well and living in the Democratic Party. The buzz is that Obama turned his back on Hillary Clinton as she was reaching out to shake his hand. Obama states that another senator had called him at that moment and he never saw Hillary. Hillary isn't buying it and talks about still waiting on the handshake and being ready to receive it when it comes. Well, after all the previous back and forth attacks between the two, one would think both were above mud-slinging tactics. Negative campaigning has been denounced and criticized by all, however, after all the retoric the fangs return. Slights and slurs do little to convince me of the qualifications (or lack thereof) of either candidate. Experience has its merits, however the flip side is that an experienced politician is likely to have been tainted by the "wheeling and dealing" in Washington, DC. A newer politician is not as likely to have that kind of baggage. Either way, depending on your perception, they are both much, much better that the choices on the Republican side. There are rumblings of fangs bared over there, also. Romney and McCain have slung their little digs at each other. Rudy G. has bowed out. GOOD! He was scary as a mayor, as president..................??????? All are discussing the economy and the war in Iraq. I have not heard a definite concrete plan yet. This war is a joke. Ben-Laden is still out there. Pakistan is in trouble and the gains in Afghanistan are being reversed as we speak. Greed is the foundation of all the mess. Again we are "spreading Democracy", but at the same time still do not have it correct here. We still have segments of the population that do not have equal rights, ostracized for their beliefs and practices and kept out of mainstream America. Big time poverty situation and homelessness on the rise with no real relief in site. Yet, we can go somewhere, acting off of false intelligence and reek havoc on the lives of others. We are creating our enemies one battle at a time. Like I said, "The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This Mad Election

Well, again the historical campaigns are at it again. It's crazy how the female and African American candidates are running against each other from the same party. It's a sure bet the Republicans will not be trying anything of that nature. They always talk about making their party more inclusive, however their economic plans are very exclusive. It never fails I always have to get a second job when the Republicans are in office. I have been watching their campaign antics also. I find it funny that Mit Romney is spending all of this money, but struggling to keep his lead in the poles. John McCaine seems tenacious as ever and very resiliant. I still don't trust any of them. Obama could probably pull this nation together, if he isn't assassinated. That is a big fear. It does appear that progressive leaders seem to get killed. Hopefully, he will win and get the opportunity to turn things around. Clinton concerns me. For whatever reasons, I doubt her sincerity. Is she capable of handling the job of being president? I believe so, but will she address my concerns; I doubt it. This present administration has created so much turmoil and strife, it's gonna take at least eight years to stop the leaking. Hopefully people will realize they need someone with realistic new ideas. Please don't let it be another Republican.


What is all the buzz about MySpace? There seems to be nothing but drama coming from there. Kids committing suicide, pediphiles contacting vulnerable teens, kidnappings all kinds of madness & guess what?? There isn't a lot to be done about it. Teens do not understand the danger involved with this site's lack of protection. For now all we can do is try to discourage our children's use of the website.