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Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I know it has been quite awhile, however I finally have enough time and material to actually discuss some things.  There has not been a lot that has changed since my last post.  Especially, in the political arena.  Since my last post, the Republicans have gotten a stronger foothold in Congress and are still doing their best to make the legacy of President Obama a negative one.  There is still the blatant disrespect and utter disregard for the office of the President.  What strikes me most is the failure to change anything or thwart the White House Agenda. Basically, the Republicans have wasted time and taxpayer finances for absolutely nothing.

To bring things up to date, the race for the nomination of the Presidential Candidate is a side show at best.  The Republican front runner is Donald Trump.  The Republican Party needs to be scared shitless!  Ben Carson is holding down second place. Sarah Palin is jockeying for a cabinet position. If any of these three get in office, it's time to move to Canada or Denmark.  The Democrats are also somewhat interesting.  Bernie Sanders seems like a very viable candidate.  His platform seems solid and he is pissing off the right people (Wall Street).  Hillary Clinton is tied up with the email scandal and Joe Biden does not appear to be making a splash.  Elizabeth Warren would be my favorite, but she is not running.  Damn shame.

New Jersey Governor is on the campaign trail slinging mud and bullying anyone who challenges him at any of his speaking engagements and fund raisers.  Personally, I believe he was a victim of bullying himself when he was in high school.  I can visualize the jocks taking advantage of him.  Most bullies were bullied themselves somewhere in their past.  I probably would feel sorry for him in the past.  Now? Not so much.  He cares about no one but his wealthy cronies.  If you are poor, you are screwed. That is the basic Republican platform.  Most of the jobs have been shipped overseas for cheap labor.  Public sector jobs have been privatized.  We are in trouble and until this madness is stopped.  Prisons are privatized and the odd thing is that if they fail to make a certain profit, the state has to make up the difference. So, humans are once again a commodity.  Slavery is legal again.

Like I said, not a lot has changed.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I realize I have been away for quite awhile, however I still follow the political events via mainstream media.  I have always tried to discuss controversial topics from the point of view of American urban dwelling, lower-income "Baby-Boomers" like myself.  While I may not possess the resources of the standard journalist, I use what information I have to give readers a different point of view than mainstream media might present.

The biggest story and event in the news is the government shut-down.  Government workers considered "non-essential" or "discretionary" are furloughed, until the problems are resolved.  Federally funded community-based organizations are working, but not being paid as a result. As in most instances, the needy Americans suffer more so than the affluent.  Throughout all of this, Congress still is getting paid.  Seems a little strange that the individuals responsible for this are still receiving a nice, hefty paycheck.  Anything wrong with this picture?

The odd part of this entire situation is the Tea Party has planned this thing long before their politicians gained control of the US House of Representatives.  During each and every one of their election campaigns, each candidate made it plain that government shutdown was one of their goals, should their goals be threatened or thwarted.  Since they were unsuccessful in the 46 attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and maddening efforts to gut Social Security and Medicare, it appears their plans are now in fruition.  THEY WANTED THE SHUTDOWN!!!!!!!!!

Well, they have it!  Now the entire country is held hostage and to many there does not seem to be an end in sight. I have been watching events unfold and surprise was not one of the emotions I experienced.  It has always been my experience when budget cuts, sequesters, and tax reforms are proposed or enacted, the elderly, the poor and needy and lower income working population are the primary ones who suffer the consequences of these events.  Now is no different!  I see it every day.  Proud individuals who once had lucrative careers, now on the welfare roles and utilizing social services many of them never knew existed.  Working and not knowing when you will receive the paycheck you earned is as bad as being unemployed at times.  Well there is going to be quite a bit of that until this thing is settled.

The lesson is we have to remain vigilant, especially when we choose our elected officials.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Miranda Under Fire

Remember the police warning "You have the right to remain silent, if you give up that right anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." Now, as of today, you had better get ready to find out what changes have been made to that all too familiar. The Supreme Court has revised the Miranda warning requirements, and added some madness to the game. According to news sources, the Supreme Court has trimmed the decision three times this session.

While they have not repealed the requirement that police officers inform a suspect of their rights of silence and to an attorney, they have limited the information the police officer has to give during the warning. They will not tell a suspect they have the right to have that attorney during questioning, nor will they let the suspect how long it will take to get the attorney. The courts then placed a limit on how long the request for an attorney is valid. If a defendant is released from custody for 14 days, the police can go back at the suspect again and unless the suspect re-invokes his/her right ot silence and an attorney, all over again. The police do not have to read the suspect his rights for a second time.

Now, I agree with law and order as much as anyone else, however not at the expense of anyone's rights. Miranda has actually been turned upside down. Now the one thing that surprises me is that this subject was not front page news. I stumbled on it by accident this morning!

Well, The Courts have went too far. Everyone arrested or taken in for questioning is guilty. Many have no real knowledge of the legal system. How many innocent people have wound up in prisson, even on death row, because of ignorance of the law. There has to be a better way. I used to repect the Supreme Court, as of this, not so much. Now I feel nothing but pity and disappointment. What's next, repealing the right to appeal a wrongful conviction?

Oh well, now we see the true Right Wing.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Verdict is in: Business as Usual

Okay, as I said in yesterday's post, Los Angeles juries are not to swift when it comes to convictions of rogue cops and celebrities. Johannes Mehserle was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of Oscar Grant. Again the message it is ok to shoot an unarmed Black man, as long as you are a policeman still whispers loud. Mehserle faces up to four years in prison. Not that stiff a sentence. Now, if I am not mistaken, the sentencing judge can suspend that sentence and give him probation. I am not sure, because I am not a legal expert. However, when it comes to California, nothing surprises me. Only time will tell.
The worse part is that no one is a winner, no matter what the verdict was. Oscar's family will never see him again. His daughter will ultimately never know her father. Johannes Mehserle has to live with what he did. His career in law enforcement is over. He will always be the guy who shot and killed an unarmed man. Should he go to prison, he will have to be placed in protective custody and he will experience the fate of those he himself has previously arrested, during the course of his short career.
Grief? There is more than enough to go around. I don't know, it seems like the only relief the Grant family might get is in Civil Court. Sound familiar? (Think OJ). The only difference is the city of Oakland has to pay. It seems that in all the cases where an unarmed Black man is killed by police officers, the results always seems to be the city throwing money at the festering wounds. I hope they learn one day. To much pain, too much crying, too much dying.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Oakland Waits for Verdict in Oscar Grant Shooting.

It is a recurring theme in today's society. An unarmed Black man dying at the hands of law enforcement. The trial of Johannes Mehserle, a BART police officer, is in the hands of the jury. Seversal months ago videos of the shooting went viral and millions watched as the tragedy occurred. Mehserle's defense is that he accidently drew his service pistol, instead of his taser, which was alledgedly his intention. Well, the incident and the public reaction lead to a change of venue to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, the Los Angeles court system does not have a stellar reputation in these matters. It appears that rogue cops and celebreties fail to get convicted there.

With that in mind, it is understandable why merchants in Oakland are in fear of civic unrest. After all, following Grant's funeral, rioting occurred. There have calls for calm and peace from all walks of Oakland life, including Grant's mother. You can believe everyone is anxious, even fearful of what may happen. Again, everyone will be expected to accept the jury's verdict. According to the law, that is what is supposed to happen. Usually, of late, it does. Rioting will not solve anything in a case like this. Unfortunately, in cases like these, you never know what a jury might do. I am not taking sides. I saw the video and unless the defendant is just plain stupid, or easy to panic, I cannot really swallow his story. However, I was not there and some things just do not show up in the video.

My primary question is this: "Is this verdict going to to be lawful and just, or just business as usual?"

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Republicans Grant the Appearence of Attacking Deceased Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall During Confirmation Hearings.

How pitiful can the Republican Party be? During the confirmation hearings for President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, some ass of a senator from Arizona began attacking the tenure and performance of Justice Thurgood Marshall. Now correct me if I am wrong, has not this gentlemen been deceased for some time? What does the admiration Elena Kagan for the late Justice have to do with anything? Because Elena Kagan mentioned an admiration for the late Supreme Court Justice, she was raked over the coals, but more preposterous was that fact that the late Justice Marshall was also raked over the coals. Who the hell is being confirmed here? The fact that Ms. Kagan has to endure the BS tells me that racism still has a firm foothold in our society. If the Republican Party wants to become inclusive, attacking Justice Marshall is not the way to go. Even conservative Blacks will not stand for that.

From what happened at these hearings today, it appears that Elena Kagan will be confirmed. The only thing they seem to be able to attack her on is the ban on military recruiters on Harvard's campus and her admiration for Thurgood Marshall. In one article I read it was stated, "Elena Kagan will be confirmed, Thurgood Marshall, not so much."