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Saturday, October 12, 2013


I realize I have been away for quite awhile, however I still follow the political events via mainstream media.  I have always tried to discuss controversial topics from the point of view of American urban dwelling, lower-income "Baby-Boomers" like myself.  While I may not possess the resources of the standard journalist, I use what information I have to give readers a different point of view than mainstream media might present.

The biggest story and event in the news is the government shut-down.  Government workers considered "non-essential" or "discretionary" are furloughed, until the problems are resolved.  Federally funded community-based organizations are working, but not being paid as a result. As in most instances, the needy Americans suffer more so than the affluent.  Throughout all of this, Congress still is getting paid.  Seems a little strange that the individuals responsible for this are still receiving a nice, hefty paycheck.  Anything wrong with this picture?

The odd part of this entire situation is the Tea Party has planned this thing long before their politicians gained control of the US House of Representatives.  During each and every one of their election campaigns, each candidate made it plain that government shutdown was one of their goals, should their goals be threatened or thwarted.  Since they were unsuccessful in the 46 attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and maddening efforts to gut Social Security and Medicare, it appears their plans are now in fruition.  THEY WANTED THE SHUTDOWN!!!!!!!!!

Well, they have it!  Now the entire country is held hostage and to many there does not seem to be an end in sight. I have been watching events unfold and surprise was not one of the emotions I experienced.  It has always been my experience when budget cuts, sequesters, and tax reforms are proposed or enacted, the elderly, the poor and needy and lower income working population are the primary ones who suffer the consequences of these events.  Now is no different!  I see it every day.  Proud individuals who once had lucrative careers, now on the welfare roles and utilizing social services many of them never knew existed.  Working and not knowing when you will receive the paycheck you earned is as bad as being unemployed at times.  Well there is going to be quite a bit of that until this thing is settled.

The lesson is we have to remain vigilant, especially when we choose our elected officials.

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