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Saturday, March 22, 2008

How Low Can You Go?

Well, every time I think the conservatives cannot get any lower, they get together and get way down. Fox network has been chasing the story about Obama's Minister for months. They have tried for months to discredit Obama. Fox anchors have made it their business to keep the powers that be in place. You see again we see the rich getting richer and many conservatives doing their best to keep it that way. The FOX crew continues fear mongering, outright lying all in an effort to maintain the status quo. They defend the war, defend the broke down economy, defend the knucklehead in the White House and swear on a stack of Bibles their way is the righteous way. If that is true; we are in deep, deep dodo! What makes them so despicable is their arrogance. It is fall such a shame that they claim to believe in all the things we have been taught this country is supposed to stand for and then turn right around and act as if they were back in the early nineteenth century. I have tried not to play the race card, so instead I will play the money card. None of these conservatives care anything about the poor, the downtrodden, the less fortunate who have fallen between the cracks. As a matter of fact, they consistently blame those same unfortunate souls for the predicament they find themselves in. Why? Because in order for them to continue to perpetuate their lifestyles, the poor need to get poorer and the middle class needs to be squeezed. FOX is doing their job quite well for the conservative agenda. They are replicating themselves and continuing to add more numbers to the poor. So the next time a panhandler approaches you for a handout, give the conservative agenda a big "Thank you" and hope that one day you won't be in that guy's shoes

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