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Saturday, March 29, 2008


The more I hear about the Reverend Wright furor, the angrier I get. The mainstream press says virtually nothing about racial arsonists like Pat Buchanan and driving this Rev. Wright thing in the ground. Everyone beefs about the race card, yet the mainsteam media continues to play it. Again, the double standard is in play. Buchanan, and many others from the right-wing expound their bigoted tirades and you may hear of it once or twice. After that, nothing. A lot of others like the aforementioned; such as Rush Limbaugh and that whole crew seem immune from the wrath of the mainstream press media. Let's face it, there is just a different standard for racial issues and attacks for Whites and for Blacks. White bigots get TV and radio shows, Reverend Wright who actually did not attack White America, just the deeds of some of its citizenry gets blasted as if he is the Black version of Hitler; and because Obama is running for the Democratic Nomination for President, this suddenly becomes a huge thing. Get over it, most of you are looking for a reason not to vote for an African-American anyway. Show the full sermon and the true date; then come see me. Otherwise, GET REAL!!!!!!!!!!!

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