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Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'M BAAACCCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone! I have returned from my hiatus and continuing to watch the political landscape. Believe me, there is a whole lot to watch. The Governor of Illinois is charged with all kinds of corruption. He tried to sell a Senate seat! Are you kidding me? The cynical part of me believes he is not an isolated incident, but just the knucklehead who got caught. You know this guy had stones. He literally called out for his phones to be tapped. Little did the dummy know the FBI had been doing so for the last two years, at least. When will they learn?

Now let's talk about the economy. I have stated in previous blogs that the present administration was going to take us to the cleaners. Well America; WE HAVE BEEN FLEECED! Now what? I know many who are suddenly unemployed who do not deserve to be. I am fortunate to be employed, but barely and still unable to effectively meet my financial obligations. Yeah, I can admit that. I know I am not alone. I read an article where it was stated that GW Bush was concerned about his legacy. Well Georgie, your legacy is shot! Your decision to let Dick Cheney lead around by the nose during your presidency is your undoing. All those tax breaks, permission for big business to ship valuable employment overseas, along with a war on the wrong damned country has made you the sorriest president I have witnessed in my life. I give you credit; for years I thought Richard Nixon stole the country...You have surpassed him and should have been forced to resign years ago. I guess no one wanted another "Tricky Dick" in office. I sure didn't. That might have been your act of mercy for this country. Oh yeah, I forgot about your initiative toward the fight against global HIV/AIDS. Excellent effort, except you increased global funding by about 34% and domestic funding by less than 2%. Did I mention the economy is still spiraling downward? Ford, GM, Chrysler all screaming BROKE. They had the nerve to fly down to DC on private jets asking for money...Were they crazy or high? They returned this time by less expensive transportation, still begging. I have the solution! How about asking the oil companies to bail them out? They continued making "gas guzzling" behemoths and failed to produce the kind of vehicles that could meet the challenge of the foreign automakers. I believe since they have taken such good care of the oil industry; the oil industry should repay them in kind. Give the $34 billion to the the "Big 3", the oil companies won't miss it. Did you see the profits these jokers made? Over the the last few years, oil companies have done swell. They should "spread the joy" among their allies the automakers.

Oh well, tighten up your belts! It is going to get rough!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What a Disappointment

Sometimes, I expect politicians to behave badly, but not to this extent. Mudslinging; just part of the game. This time, though, it appears as though things are starting to get out of hand. The verbal attacks on Senator Obama are despicable to say the least. I keep hearing the McCain camp saying that Obama is a liar, however it has been my experience the liars in the last eight years came from the Republican side of the aisle. McCain has an interesting past and Palin is mired in stupidity. What's scary is that there are many who are gullible enough to believe her ignorant ramblings.

I respect anyone's right to free speech, until it becomes slander. Uninformed banter usually means fear or ignorance. It seems that both are in play now. It is shameful how this is playing out. I wonder if this was what the founding fathers had in mind when they framed the Constitution.

The economy is in trouble, we are in a war we should never have been in, and McCain wants to give tax breaks to the rich. What a disappointment.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Sarah Palin's stupidity is consistently being demonstrated every time she opens her mouth. The First Amendment is definitely being misused here. Actually, she is trying appeal to the bigots zealots and misinformed in our country. Her rant about Obama being "chummy" with terrorists is an attempt to attack Obama's heritage and surname to create the psychological inference that he is a collaborator with terrorists and other enemies of America. Noting can be further from the truth. So, Dingy..stop with the mudslinging. You have to have facts, not assuptions.

Comedians joke about Governor Palin's intelligence. I am not joking, I am thoroughly convinced she is "life-stupid". For whatever reason, she seems to just say things that do not make a lot of sense. When she opens her mouth, I expect a bird to fly out. Funny though, I still have not heard a comment about the African-American guy who says Bristol's baby is not Levi's, but his. Can you say "Cover-up".

This is gonna be one interesting election. Does McCain and Palin actually think America is that stupid?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What Debate???

Okay, I had been waiting for and looking forward to the Vice Presidential debate on Thursday. What a letdown. I fell asleep on it. From what I saw, Palin showed me jack! She didn't answer any of the questions posed to her. She kept talking about things any moron knows. She claimed she was talking to the American people...What am I Russian? She sure wasn't talkin to me! She keeps talking about Obama being unqualified, but the she is the biggest joke in this election. You would think she would keep her mouth shut. She is as dumb as Dan Qayle. OK, so she happens to be the Governor of Alaska judging from the information I have read, she got the position by convincing the people she was the answer to their problems. Well, maybe she was, but she is anything but the answer to America's problems. Actually, her and her thinking is a big part of the problem. I keep hearing how "she held her own" in the debate; what debate were they watching? She was arrogant, obnoxious, disrespectful to Biden and the moderator, and above all STUPID! If her team gets into office, we are in DEEEEEP DODO. Wake up America, John McCain & Sarah Palin will be more of the same. By the way, how come no one is talking about this African-American man claiming to be the father of Sarah Palin's future grandchild? things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Well, Well, Well; Surprise, Surprise!

Okay, once again the powers that be appear to have screwed up royally. The bailout plan is out, then it's in, then it's out again. Personally, I have a problem that the individuals responsible are not going to be held accountable. The taxpayers are going to front the bill again. Should the bailout be approved, it is still a gamble. The investments do not have to become profitable in time for the economy to right itself. What right does George W. Bush have to ask the American people to clean up his train wreck? How could he stand in front of the American people and blame us for the situation of the economy?

The question now is "Do we have a deal. or don't we?" It is 10:02 PM EST and nothing seems to have been resolved. The game goes on.

Well, I am not surprised. Ever since GWB got in office, SNAFU seems to be the legacy of his administration. I guess we have to adopt a "wait "n" see" attitude and I bet it's going to be something. BS anyone?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Here We Go Again

The present economic crisis has everyone afraid of what could be. Many economists saw it coming and tried to warn us all. This new plan to bail out the suffering businesses is scary because the cost will most likely fall on the tax payer. Personally, I cannot afford the bill.

President Bush went on TV this evening and laid the blame on everything but where it belongs...on this administration! His administration's support of the credit industry has lead to the problems we face today. He stated that the influx of foreign investors started the ball rolling...not true! The failure of the Bush administration to hold the credit industry accountable for their predatory practices was the "beginning of the end".

The credit card industry has been one of the largest, (if not the largest), financial supporters of the Bush Presidency. Their campaign contributions kept the heat from the industry players. It started with the credit card industry and the primary way to slow the snowballing problem down is to make the credit card industry stop their predatory practices. The public needs to be made aware and encouraged to to STOP using those cards and begin purchasing what they can afford to pay cash for. Getting something you want with a 29% interest rate attached is anything but practical. Having to pay enough late fees that your minimum payment automatically doubles is not the smartest thing for a consumer to continue to accept.

My suggestion...cut up the cards. Keep one for dire emergency.. Use Cash for everything. Hold them accountable...Free yourself from the yoke of DEBT>

There are solutions..research and use them.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Egos, Economy, Elections

These are maddening times. Political egos are fragile, the election is approaching, and the economy is shot. We are forced to do more things with less resources. At the beginning of the war in Iraq, the president told us all we would have to tighten our belts. Since then, there have been tax cuts for the wealthy, more stress for the less fortunate. Sen. McCain pulled a smart move by naming Alaska's female governor as his running mate. Hey, she is ultra conservative, practically unkown and a potential salve for the wounded Hillary Clinton supporters who would like another alternative, besides Obama.

Okay, because of the Hurricane Gustav, the Republican Convention has been delayed a tad. There must be some distance, (if only in appearance), from the present administration. Remember, it took Bush a long time to react to the plight of Katrina. So many issues still remain unresolved and here comes another disaster.

I have been looking at other economic flags. Credit card fees are rising, it is hard as hell to get a loan. Foreclosures are still rising, gas prices are astronomical, and more companies are send their production factories out of the country. Even Hershey's Chocolate has begun the process of moving their production to Mexico. In the name of profit, a lot of Americans will be out of work and no one cares.

Well, strap in everyone...we have a rough ride ahead.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Question: Will This Election Be Hijacked?

Well, it is getting close to election time. I am as excited as anyone, but I am also very skeptical. Mainstream media is afraid to talk about what has happened previously in the Presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Personally, a blind man and a moron can see both elections were fraudulent, tainted and basically rigged. I personally will go to my grave believing that. Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 are perfect examples there was and still is a problem within our election system.

I fail to understand why so many died so the American people can vote, only to have so many disenfranchised, ignored, intimidated and just totally disrespected and then to try to spread Democracy around the world. Until we get it right, who are we to criticize other countries?

We need as a people begin the task of oversight. We have to be watchdogs of our Democracy. We need to hold those accountable who would act to prevent our citizens from casting their vote. The electronic voting machine of the past is obsolete. There needs to be a new machine; the Athan Gibbs machine should be investigated and implemented. At least you can verify your vote. To date, we have no way to be sure our votes counted. that has to change.

There is a documentary titled: "Uncounted: American Elections". The general impression I received from that film is that the upcoming election of 2008 stands a good chance of being hijacked. I believe that to be an accurate assessment. We must say no to inauditable, paperless voting machines. We need to contact our representatives in our state capitals and in Washington, DC and let them know that until we change these things and make our voting process more secure, Democracy as we believe we know is in danger of becoming a thing of the past. Eventually, we will be no better than the third world countries we are always criticizing for holding fraudulent elections. Now is the time to step up and be heard, be recognized and be counted.

Register to vote, find out what type of voting aparatus is being used at your polling place. Demand to know what kind of security is in place so your vote counts. I do not care who you vote for, because this issue affects us all. Let not those who would suppress the freedom of choice for every voter gain the upper hand again.


Sunday, August 17, 2008


Well, to begin with the Olympics have if nothing else been interesting. Human interest stories are anything but lacking. Michael Phelps as expected took home a lot of gold. The Jamaican sprinter U. Bolt shattered the world record in the 100 meters easily. The US did not make much of a showing otherwise. So far, I do not believe any US female sprinter has even placed in the 100 meters. We have to wait for the 200 meters to see what the US has to offer. Now the 400, that is the race to watch. We will see some new things there. Our 400 mtr. relay team should blow away the rest of the field.
Our Basketball team should make a lot of noise, too. They have a point to prove. So far, they appear to be doing just that. I have to wonder, with all the doping scandals attached to US sprinters are they just plain distracted or the best is yet to come. It's funny how everyone is so vocal about the medal returns, the discovery of doping eight to ten years later and all the sickening events attributed to illegal substances, yet no one seems to want to know how all of these "discoveries" came about. I am more than sure no athlete just voluntarily came forward and admitted to doping. I doubt very seriously if "eyewitness testimony" carried that much weight. So where did the information come from and how reliable is it really? How deep does this thing really go? And of course, my biggest question: Are we going to find out that today's heroes had the same flaws twenty years from now? Are they gonna add new substances to the banned list and make them pay later?
Nothing surprises me. Don't get me wrong, doping is bad, it's wrong. It's too bad we live in a time where "win at all costs" is the thought for the day. Everyone is trying to get an edge because of all the accolades and financial gratuities attached to a winner. Well, this is the world we live in and only we can begin the change. Each one teach one. It may take awhile, but it can happen. For right though, let's support our heroes and urge them to achieve their goals the right way. Let's openly congratulate those who have done it the right way in such an era of temptation.
No matter where they are from; celebrate them! They have earned it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm Back

Well, hello everyone! It's been awhile. Been a little busy, just dealing with life on its own terms. As usual, though...things still are haywire. The days leading up to the next election appear interesting to say the least. Senator Obama has went to the Middle East to get a feel on what is happening there. Senator McCain is bashing him for denouncing the success of the surge of troops. Well, it looks as though this is a preview of things to come. On a lighter note, we have the Olympics coming up and it looks as though there will be very interesting competition in track & field. China and Cuba have excellent hurdlers that will definitely give the US entry a run for his money. In other Olympic competition, the US looks okay. Swimming is going to be a blast. The eyes are on the US basketball team. The question of whether or not they can bring back the "Dream Team" glory days is on everyone"s lips. With Coach "K", the fiasco of Larry Brown should be a distant memory. It appears as though our guys are ready to play. Its going to be fun to watch. Well, we should all wait and see.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Presidential Betrayal

Well, it appears that one of GWB's own has turned the tables on him. His tell-all book trashes the stories this administration has told us over the past eight years. The reasons for the war; the oil crisis, the economy....all B___ S___!. Now the spin crew is at it. Calling the man "disgruntled" and just falling short of calling him a liar. The real deal is that we as a people have been misled by our leaders in no uncertain terms. We need to read that book. The excerpts I have come across are very interesting. I will let you be the judge. Personally, I think we as a society need to wake up and not take everything this administration says at face value.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Global Tragedy; US trying to help, BUT WHAT ABOUT NEW ORLEANS?

The cyclone which hit Burma was devastating. The death toll is rising and will probably continue to do so for awhile. The Military Government is refusing aid from the US. Okay everyone is outraged and scrambling to get aid to those who so desperately need it. I still can't understand why New Orleans is still in turmoil after all this time. I was always taught charity begins at home. It's bad enough the response time was so ridiculously slow, but to scramble to ship billions overseas when we have so much unfinished business here is criminal. I am not saying do not help Burma, I am saying we need to take care of home!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Due to the way the margins are set up I wasa unable to put the link to the article about the Clintons former pastor, so don't take my word for it, see for yourself...Double Standards are alive and well and hangin' out in the election. Click the link, I dare you!



Clinton Pastor convicted of child molestation:

It is clear that the Media is BIASED and has no intention of dealing with the truth. We have to expose these kinds of things ourselves.

IF A PASTOR IS KNOWN BY THE COMPANY THEY KEEP! When the Rev. William Procanick put his hand on the Bible during his sex-abuse trial in Oneida County Court earlier this year, he swore to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But as the former Clinton pastor was sentenced Friday to three years in prison for inappropriately touching a 7-year-old girl at his home last March.

Judge Michael L. Dwyer said Procanick sacrificed his honesty the day he testified. Okay, so now that Bill and Hillary Clinton's pastor has been convicted of child molestation, will we see the same furor directed at Hillary that Obama has had to endure these last few weeks IF A CANDIDATE IS KNOWN BY THE PASTOR THEY KEEP.................

Then you need to email this article to everyone you know. Here the CLINTON'S Pastor is convicted of child molestation.

So, if Obama bears the guilt for his pastor's comments, then Hillary has

to be equally tainted by this guy's crimes.

Friday, April 25, 2008


After listening to the media reports about the Sean Bell murder trial, (or whatever that was), it has become obvious that "it's business as usual" when it comes to unarmed civilian deaths. A police officer will usually get a free pass, unless the situation is really, really outrageous. Not that this incident was not, but the victims did not matter to the judicial system in New York City. When was the last time a NYC police officer involved in the death of a civilian of color was successfully prosecuted and punished? Unfortunately, I cannot recall any. Stereotypical judgments leads to deadly decisions. Let's face it, NYC Cops shoot each other by mistake. Unfortunately, in most of those cases the victim was a person of color. There is a pattern here. If you are a male of color, you need to be very, very careful how you carry yourself in NYC. At best you could wind up lost in the NYC jail system for awhile. The worst was demonstrated in November of 2006 in Queens. Today culminated the tragedy because no one is to be held accountable. Only one officer attempted to apologize to the Bell family. The other two acted as if they were victims. There was definitely an absence of moral character there. The judge just shifted the responsibility of securing justice for the Bell family squarely in the lap of the Civil Court. The strategy of throwing money at the victim's family is a practice that stinks! Money is okay, but it will never bring closure to the family. Now, I must admit that all police officers are not like the three who were acquitted. They claimed they were in fear of their lives. I believe that, but why did it take them fifty (50) shots to realize they were really not in any danger? Well, all of us need to remember when it comes to situations like this, there's no real justice; there's JUST US!

THE VERDICT IS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!!!!!!!!!!! The police officers in the Sean Bell shooting have been acquitted. The judge did as expected, preserved the status quo of the NYPD. Do I believe this was the proper verdict? Not really... Yet, one has to take into account that the police will state they can not do their job effectively if they are in fear of prosecution. "Careless, not reckless" was the term the judge used along with his disbelief of prosecution witnesses including the victims. So, again as in previous high-profile shootings that ended in the death of unarmed people of color no one will be held accountable. I guess people of color are still paying for OJ. People of color unfortunately are reliving what has been going on for decades. We die and no one pays. Lately, the cities tend to throw money at the situations. The criminal aspect will be removed and there will be a "quiet" settlement of a civil nature. The more things change, the more things stay the same. So, I guess we have to wait and see what will happen. I will be back following post-verdict interviews.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More Bad News

Again I watch the news; again I get depressed! There doesn't seem to be any good news anywhere. Gas prices are already sky-high and rising steadily. The murder rate is ascending rapidly, and so is unemployment. All the manufacturing jobs are in other countries and the welfare rolls increase. New Orleans is still wrecked and a solution is beginning to seem unlikely. The lame duck president is continuing to be lame. Airline prices are going to increase by 20%. The election is haywire. Nothing but mudslinging but no solutions. Oh yes, the stimulus rebate package.....too little, too late. Well, stayed tuned to your local news....see how depressed you can get.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


April 4, 1968 was the day civil rights history screamed! The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was the real "shot heard 'round the world". "The Dreamer" had been murdered and everyone worried whether or not "the Dream" died with him. While any African American leaders called for calm and others yelled for retribution, unrest and anger began springing up in different cities. The media, (in its usual wisdom), plastered images of violence and unrest over the airwaves and front pages. Officials scrambled to thwart what they feared would be a larger repeat of the summer of 1967. Eventually calm was restored and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was laid to rest with the honor and respect he deserved. His successors tried to keep the dream alive, yet the void created by Dr. King's absence was very difficult. I applaud their efforts, because they did not let the dream die. Unfortunately, the movement stalled at times and although we as a people and society have made great strides, we still have along way to go. Yes, there is an African American man and a White woman running for the office if the President of the United States, yes there are African Americans running major corporations, the reality of so many African-American men being such a large percentage of the nation's prison population remains a black eye on the legacy of the movement. The fight is far from over. That fact needs to be realized and we all need to act accordingly. Welfare and other forms of public assistance are not positive by-products of the Civil Rights Movement! They are instead tools of oppression, suppression and create complacency. That message needs to get across to those caught in that vicious cycle. There are many others, but that is another blog. getting back to MLK, the assassination has always been and probably will always be speculation about conspiracy. We live in a distrusting society that suspects cover-up and sinister plot behind every event. The funny thing is that usually there is something shady going on somewhere. History has demonstrated the alphabet law enforcement organizations (FBI, CIA, etc.) have tendency to interfere in matters in the name of what is perceived by a few to be necessary for the sanctity of "National Security". Well, again, another blog...not this one. Let us remember Martin Luther King, Jr. and his accomplishments and be grateful for the way we all have been touched by them. Hope remains alive and well as a result of the life of this great man.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


The more I hear about the Reverend Wright furor, the angrier I get. The mainstream press says virtually nothing about racial arsonists like Pat Buchanan and driving this Rev. Wright thing in the ground. Everyone beefs about the race card, yet the mainsteam media continues to play it. Again, the double standard is in play. Buchanan, and many others from the right-wing expound their bigoted tirades and you may hear of it once or twice. After that, nothing. A lot of others like the aforementioned; such as Rush Limbaugh and that whole crew seem immune from the wrath of the mainstream press media. Let's face it, there is just a different standard for racial issues and attacks for Whites and for Blacks. White bigots get TV and radio shows, Reverend Wright who actually did not attack White America, just the deeds of some of its citizenry gets blasted as if he is the Black version of Hitler; and because Obama is running for the Democratic Nomination for President, this suddenly becomes a huge thing. Get over it, most of you are looking for a reason not to vote for an African-American anyway. Show the full sermon and the true date; then come see me. Otherwise, GET REAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

By Any Means Necessary

The continued furor over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is attacking Obama like a virus attacking an immune system. Clinton's only recourse is to convince the super-delegates that Obama is not electable. The conservative Republican Attack Machine is in full swing and during the general election will be ten times more aggressive. The kind of spin those lowlifes are capable of will make or break the electorate of this country. If another Republican winds up in the White House, we will be in Deep, Deep DO-DO! The biggest problem is that individuals who are now aware of Rev. Wright's controversial speech, usually read nothing about politics. The odd thing is that I personally have only seen the inflammatory part of the sermon; what happened to the rest? Allow the public to see everything. Again, the media is trying not to offend the powers that be so get ready for some fireworks. The Clintons will do anything to get that nomination. It is not going to get any easier. "Down and Dirty" is the theme of the rest of this political journey. Those who suggested Obama denounce Wright altogether do not realize how the African-American community would look at that. The way he handled the situation was admirable and classy. You do not have to agree with someone to be friends with them. Republicans and Democrats are friendly, but disagree about almost everything. Funny, no one mentions Bill Clinton's contacts with Rev. Wright, during the time when he was trying to stave off impeachment. He was trying to woo every Black Clergyperson he could. Oh well, again we must see what happens. The answer should come from the voters, not FOX news. However, we all know how that is going to work.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Repulican Conservatives: Masters of Manipulations

As I look at the controversy surrounding Borak Obama's former minister, I have to admit I am in awe of the Republican Machine, (and believe me there is one), and how they have begun to set in motion another plan to steal the election and the country. You see they continue to find ways to promote dissension in the Democratic Party, by continuing to fuel the fire between Clinton and Obama. Unfortunately, nobody actually sees the deception. By splitting the Party, no matter who wins the nomination, no one will be completely satisfied, thereby jeopardizing the electability of either candidate. So, guess what, the Republicans win again. The good news is that the knucklehead with the initials "GWB" will no longer be in the White House. It is going to be a long hard election. Hopefully the rest of America will wake up and do what is right for us all.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How Low Can You Go?

Well, every time I think the conservatives cannot get any lower, they get together and get way down. Fox network has been chasing the story about Obama's Minister for months. They have tried for months to discredit Obama. Fox anchors have made it their business to keep the powers that be in place. You see again we see the rich getting richer and many conservatives doing their best to keep it that way. The FOX crew continues fear mongering, outright lying all in an effort to maintain the status quo. They defend the war, defend the broke down economy, defend the knucklehead in the White House and swear on a stack of Bibles their way is the righteous way. If that is true; we are in deep, deep dodo! What makes them so despicable is their arrogance. It is fall such a shame that they claim to believe in all the things we have been taught this country is supposed to stand for and then turn right around and act as if they were back in the early nineteenth century. I have tried not to play the race card, so instead I will play the money card. None of these conservatives care anything about the poor, the downtrodden, the less fortunate who have fallen between the cracks. As a matter of fact, they consistently blame those same unfortunate souls for the predicament they find themselves in. Why? Because in order for them to continue to perpetuate their lifestyles, the poor need to get poorer and the middle class needs to be squeezed. FOX is doing their job quite well for the conservative agenda. They are replicating themselves and continuing to add more numbers to the poor. So the next time a panhandler approaches you for a handout, give the conservative agenda a big "Thank you" and hope that one day you won't be in that guy's shoes

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sex in Politics????????????Nawww!

Well, another one bites the dust! The ex-governor of New York got caught spending the equivalent of about three years of my salary on call girls. The ex-governor of New Jersey involved in a bitter divorce with new freaky overtones. It seems his driver claims to have participated in "threesomes" with the ex governor and his wife. It's real funny how these people get caught with their pants down. What really surprises me is how that other senator of congressman got caught in the gay bathroom sting. I'll say one thing, it is bi-partisan. Sex scandals are becoming a part of the political landscape. Instead of asking "where do they stand on the issues?" you ask, "Who are they doin' ?", (or who is doin' them?"). Personally, I am sick of the whole thing. People in trusted positions putting themselves in crazy situations. How can they risk everything for so little? The word "arrogance" comes to mind. "I have the power to do whatever I want and I will never get caught!" Wanna bet? Welcome to reality...You do get caught, you do get held accountable. I am not concerned with their sex lives... I just want to know they can do the job. However, they never get a full opportunity, because they can't keep their pants up. I wish they would wake up.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


As usual, economic news is bleak. Inflation is is rising and no one wants to spend money, they may not have. Mr. Bush, when you took the oath of the presidency, there was a surplus. After eight years of catering to the "haves" and continuing to ignore the basic needs of the "have-nots" it is actually safe to say that many members of the middle class might be less than two paychecks away from homelessness. The homeless population's numbers continue to rise. The numbers of individuals living the "American Dream" of home ownership are decreasing. Your poor decision-making, along with your catering to the rich has devastated this country. You have failed miserably and your legacy among the actual working class will stink. This war has done much more harm than good at home. The terrorist population in Afghanistan is continuing to rise, as a direct result of your policies. In some regions, they have fully recovered, completely reversing the accomplishments initially made. There have always been jokes about your lack of intelligence and normally as a rule, I usually ignore that sort of thing. However, you have granted the appearance of either being the most callous President in history, or the dumbest politician since Dan Quayle. Do I sound angry? I am. I am angry that the voters in this country were duped by you and your constituents, the phoney promises and grief you have brought upon the American people. I am angry every time I read about our soldiers dying because of your inability to make a proper decision. Wait a minute, I take that back! You had the ability to make the decision, you just failed to make it. Back to the economy, I see the direct results of your economic policy every day. I work in a Drop-in center. For the first time I see a large population of working homeless. I am talking about homeless people with real jobs that cannot make ends meet. Your policies have priced basic necessities out of the reach of the little people. Again, you have added to the legacy of Ronald Reagan; Both of you really love poor people; you continue to make so many of them.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's too soon to predict the outcome, but somebody sure is scared!

Borak Obama seems to have done it again! He spanked Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin and Hawaii. Now, I can see her being a little apprehensive, however John McCain??? What's that about? His promise to fight "well articulated empty calls for change" makes it sound as though Hillary is history. What makes Obama's call for change so empty. It seems pretty substantial to me. A change is definitely in order. The rich Republicans should consider changing with the times. The race is not over, although we could all safely speculate that barring any unforeseen events, Obama may be the candidate for the Democratic party's Presidential Nomination. I hear a lot of talk about experience or lack thereof, however in Obama's case I think it is an advantage. He has yet to be tainted by Washington's poisoned environment. Special interests and money can spoil even the politicians with the best of intentions. So far, I have yet to see any indications that Obama has fallen into that trap. Judging from the amount of bills sponsored and authored by both candidates, I find there are suspicions where Hillary is concerned. They may be my suspicions, but I do have cause to wonder. Obama has co-authored, authored, co-sponsored and sponsored pproximately eight hundred twenty (820) bills. That is in six years. Hillary's record is nowhere near that. I wonder what kind of attack will Obama be faced with before the Texas and Ohio primaries? I am sure it will be interesting. The political soap opera continues.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Here we go again. Political Mudslinging is the strategy of the day. There's nothing new under the sun and that goes for political speeches. If the only thing the Clinton Camp can come up with to attack Obama is to berate him for using someone else's phrase from a previous speech, the campaign is in much worse shape than anyone realizes. When you speak of ideas related to issues, words will be repeated. If the Governor of Massachusetts did not have a problem with it, why should the Clinton Camp. The race for the Democratic nomination gets more and more interesting as time passes. I am starting to look at politics in a whole different light. A lot of "nit-picking" going on. It just does not make a lot of sense to me. Obama has an impressive documented record in Congress. Clinton has more lobbyist support than sponsored or authored bills. While I respect Hillary Clinton, I find myself extremely disappointed with her recent tactics. I am sure I am not alone on that one.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Politics, Politics, Politics

Okay!!! Here we go again. Someone sent me an email with an attachment of an article indicating the KKK was supporting Obama for president; because anyone had to be better than Hillary Clinton. Well, the article was from a British publication and I really could not verify the validity of the story, because in case you don't know, Great Britain has some devastating tabloids. The whole thing kind of puzzled me because I do not believe that the KKK would endorse an African American for nothing other that to be the guest of honor at one of their infamous "necktie parties". So, am I to believe this nonsense? I am not a fan of Hillary, but I just find that article hard to believe. Maybe the Grand Dragon or Grand Wizard believes his endorsement of Obama would make people turn away from him and vote for Hillary. A sort of "reverse psychology" so to speak. If that's the case, every individual, no matter who they are voting for, needs to be insulted. No one is that stupid. Well, we all need to get out and vote. I don't care for whom, just vote! Too many have died to see that we have the right to do so. Don't complain about policy and you fail to participate in the process.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Could someone please explain this to me

I saw a commercial for auto insurance and it kind hurt. Part of one of the greatest R&B vocal groups ever to grace a stage or a recording studio was trapped in buffoonery. Gladys Knight & the Pips gave decades of pleasure to millions over the years with their smooth, soulful sounds and dazzling, classy stage performances. When Gladys stepped away from the Pips to pursue a solo career, she kind of left the Pips dangling. They released one album and basically were never heard from again. Well, I am look at this commercial when they are introduced and they were in uniforms that did not fit, their uniforms did not match their shoes and they had on "Afro" wigs. I thought at first that maybe this was a spoof and I would find something funny about this before the end of the commercial, however I did not! I thought about sad it was that someone who had made such an impact in the music business had to be subjected to that kind of an insult. I realize that many performers from that era are struggling and we all need money, but someone should have stood up for them...better yet, maybe they should have stood up for themselves. I have no idea what the circumstances surrounding this situation were. I just know it seemed real sad. I hope whatever the motivation for that is resolved by now. As an avid fan I hope I will see the Pips and others of their era back in the spotlight again doing some real performing and not being exploited by someone who has not idea of their true value. R&B vocal groups of their caliber are actual national treasures...We need to remember that!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday is in the books. Clinton and Obama are in a dead heat. McCain is still beating the hell out of Romney and Huck seems to be gaining fast. I cannot remember seeing an election year this interesting. On the Democratic side, history will be made no matter who wins. On the Republican side it's all over but the shouting. Romney just doesn't know it yet. It is obvious by the results of the polls that this country needs and wants a change. The "business as usual" polotics of this administration has long since worn out its welcome. What is more interesting is that George W. Bush has been quiet. I have yet to hear him endorse anyone, nor show up at any campaign headquarters. Kind of unusal, don't you think? With all of the hype, you might expect the pres to be more vocal. Oh well, what could he possibly have to talk about, aside from admitting he was dead wrong for getting us into this war. He realizes the true meaning of "lame-duck president" and I don't think he likes it much. After his theft of two elections, he is probably wondering how to steal a third and get back into the White House. Let us hope for as fair one this time. Let us also hope that the promises can be kept this time. For those of you waiting to see what type of scandal may arise, you will have to wait and see who becomes the Democratic candidate. Rupert Murdoche will spring his surprises only if Hillary is the winner. Still we have to wonder what ol' Slick Willie has done to get himself in hot water this time. More will be revealed.

Monday, February 4, 2008

congrats new york

Well, the Giants are Superbowl Champs & New York is in euphoria. In times where news is so depressing, its cool to have something to cheer about. David slew Goliath when only faithful believed they had a chance. Maybe there's hope for us all. It was a great game and I have seen every Superbowl since the first one. This is one of, if not the best of them all. One flaw for me was the fact they gave Manning the MVP and the defensive line won that game for them. They kept New England in 3 & outs throughout the game. It's common knowledge that had the defense not played the game they did there was no chance for the Giant offense to keep up with the high-powered offense of the Patriots. But we cannot minimize the ramifications of the Giants victory, nor can we downplay the success of the Patriots 18-1 season. It was a great football season, although I doubt the oddsmakers would agree. Again, Congratulations New York Giants. By the way, has anyone heard from Tiki Barber?????????

Saturday, February 2, 2008


The economy is in shambles, most of the rest of the world hates our guts, our sons and daughters are being maimed and killed in a country that is unwilling to begin taking control of their own destiny, but our President would like us to believe that everything is okay. He would like us to look at the world through rose-colored glasses, while he and his cronies continue creating crisis after crisis. Meanwhile, the respect we once had as a country has dwindled badly. This administration has attacked and practically destroyed any positive accomplishments that were made in the last ten years. Michael Moorer really has them pissed with his documentaries. I particularly like the part in "Faranheight 911" where he challenges the politicians to encourage their own children to volunteer for military service in Iraq. I wonder if they would support the war if their own children were there. Jobs continue to be outsourced overseas to unbelievable numbers. I received calls from creditors who were all the way in Asia. These jokers call at 7:30am on a Saturday morning and will continue calling every 45 minutes until 10:30pm. Annoying as that sounds, those jobs should remain domestic and the unemployment rate would decrease. CEO's who wreck their companies get huge bonus' and ride off into the sunset in Bentleys & Rolls Royces, never to be heard from again. An average Joe misses too much time from work due to family or personal illness and he is fired with no severance package, and may have to wait almost ten business days for his final paycheck. George W. Bush is worried about his legacy...........he should be! Among the wealthy, he will be remembered as a hero who strengthened their net worth. Among the "not so wealthy" the initials "SOB" will constantly come to mind. Among the poverty stricken...you can use your imagination. I really should not write what probably come to their minds. Yet, the man continues to tell us we are okay. So, I guess we were suffering under Bill Clinton....Funny, I only had one job under "Slick Willie" and made things work comfortably. Now I have two jobs and can barely survive. If that is "better off" I am missing something. Everyone talks about crime but no one is doing anything about the main causes. The bottom of a society is usually a reflection of the top. So it stands to reason that with all the crooks in this government there can only be criminals outside of their clique. They are staunch role models for any white collar criminal to emulate. It's funny that they claim such morality when all the while they are continuing to fleece the American populace. Something's got to give.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Well the race for the Presidential nomination is heating up. Both parties appear to be whittling down to their final choices. The Dems have already gotten to the last two candidates and things are getting interesting. The recent debate was actually civil and funny as hell. I wonder how long the civility will last? The Republicans on the other hand still have three people left to choose from. They all appear poor replicas of George W. Bush to me. It's funny, they claim to be looking for the second coming of Ronald Reagan....Heaven forbid! I would probably have to get a third job. Another president like that and there would be a poverty stricken population explosion. Republicans tend to produce poor people. They support industries who ship jobs abroad and encourage tax reliefs for the individuals creating the poverty in the first place. I have yet to hear any candidate come up with a solution to the present problems of low and no income families or individuals. Unemployment is around five percent (5%) and homelessness is rising hourly. The Mortgage Market is in shambles and adding to the madness. Is anybody, (other than the hoity-toity rich), ready for four more years of this? It costs a fortune to get an education and the costs continue to rise. So, with education not so affordable and no jobs for the newly educated, things continue to look bleak. Well, for the next ten months or so we will listen, watch and read what the candidates have to say and hope that our votes really count this time. The last two elections were stolen in plain sight and no one would do a thing about it. Hopefully, voters will not be afraid to go to the polls. Hopefully no one will be able to intimidate voters and manipulate people and machines to get more of the same in the Oval Office. The dirty play is set to begin. Rupert Murdoch has promised to leak some gathered information about Bill Clinton's alleged infidelity. You know what? I did not care about that madness when he was in office, and I do not care about that B/S now. He was a good President who had to clean up the mess Reagan and Bush, Sr. made. Unfortunately, before he could do so, the sex scandal happened and the
sanctimonious segment of our population (to the delight of the Republicans), removed the real issues from the public eye and had us focusing on a egomaniac special prosecutor; a love-lorn, naive intern; a bored busy-body who was probably angry that Clinton never tried to seduce her! Oh well, let's see what happens. It is going to get DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same

It's nice to see the in-fighting between candidates is still alive and well and living in the Democratic Party. The buzz is that Obama turned his back on Hillary Clinton as she was reaching out to shake his hand. Obama states that another senator had called him at that moment and he never saw Hillary. Hillary isn't buying it and talks about still waiting on the handshake and being ready to receive it when it comes. Well, after all the previous back and forth attacks between the two, one would think both were above mud-slinging tactics. Negative campaigning has been denounced and criticized by all, however, after all the retoric the fangs return. Slights and slurs do little to convince me of the qualifications (or lack thereof) of either candidate. Experience has its merits, however the flip side is that an experienced politician is likely to have been tainted by the "wheeling and dealing" in Washington, DC. A newer politician is not as likely to have that kind of baggage. Either way, depending on your perception, they are both much, much better that the choices on the Republican side. There are rumblings of fangs bared over there, also. Romney and McCain have slung their little digs at each other. Rudy G. has bowed out. GOOD! He was scary as a mayor, as president..................??????? All are discussing the economy and the war in Iraq. I have not heard a definite concrete plan yet. This war is a joke. Ben-Laden is still out there. Pakistan is in trouble and the gains in Afghanistan are being reversed as we speak. Greed is the foundation of all the mess. Again we are "spreading Democracy", but at the same time still do not have it correct here. We still have segments of the population that do not have equal rights, ostracized for their beliefs and practices and kept out of mainstream America. Big time poverty situation and homelessness on the rise with no real relief in site. Yet, we can go somewhere, acting off of false intelligence and reek havoc on the lives of others. We are creating our enemies one battle at a time. Like I said, "The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This Mad Election

Well, again the historical campaigns are at it again. It's crazy how the female and African American candidates are running against each other from the same party. It's a sure bet the Republicans will not be trying anything of that nature. They always talk about making their party more inclusive, however their economic plans are very exclusive. It never fails I always have to get a second job when the Republicans are in office. I have been watching their campaign antics also. I find it funny that Mit Romney is spending all of this money, but struggling to keep his lead in the poles. John McCaine seems tenacious as ever and very resiliant. I still don't trust any of them. Obama could probably pull this nation together, if he isn't assassinated. That is a big fear. It does appear that progressive leaders seem to get killed. Hopefully, he will win and get the opportunity to turn things around. Clinton concerns me. For whatever reasons, I doubt her sincerity. Is she capable of handling the job of being president? I believe so, but will she address my concerns; I doubt it. This present administration has created so much turmoil and strife, it's gonna take at least eight years to stop the leaking. Hopefully people will realize they need someone with realistic new ideas. Please don't let it be another Republican.


What is all the buzz about MySpace? There seems to be nothing but drama coming from there. Kids committing suicide, pediphiles contacting vulnerable teens, kidnappings all kinds of madness & guess what?? There isn't a lot to be done about it. Teens do not understand the danger involved with this site's lack of protection. For now all we can do is try to discourage our children's use of the website.