Thursday, December 11, 2008
I'M BAAACCCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now let's talk about the economy. I have stated in previous blogs that the present administration was going to take us to the cleaners. Well America; WE HAVE BEEN FLEECED! Now what? I know many who are suddenly unemployed who do not deserve to be. I am fortunate to be employed, but barely and still unable to effectively meet my financial obligations. Yeah, I can admit that. I know I am not alone. I read an article where it was stated that GW Bush was concerned about his legacy. Well Georgie, your legacy is shot! Your decision to let Dick Cheney lead around by the nose during your presidency is your undoing. All those tax breaks, permission for big business to ship valuable employment overseas, along with a war on the wrong damned country has made you the sorriest president I have witnessed in my life. I give you credit; for years I thought Richard Nixon stole the country...You have surpassed him and should have been forced to resign years ago. I guess no one wanted another "Tricky Dick" in office. I sure didn't. That might have been your act of mercy for this country. Oh yeah, I forgot about your initiative toward the fight against global HIV/AIDS. Excellent effort, except you increased global funding by about 34% and domestic funding by less than 2%. Did I mention the economy is still spiraling downward? Ford, GM, Chrysler all screaming BROKE. They had the nerve to fly down to DC on private jets asking for money...Were they crazy or high? They returned this time by less expensive transportation, still begging. I have the solution! How about asking the oil companies to bail them out? They continued making "gas guzzling" behemoths and failed to produce the kind of vehicles that could meet the challenge of the foreign automakers. I believe since they have taken such good care of the oil industry; the oil industry should repay them in kind. Give the $34 billion to the the "Big 3", the oil companies won't miss it. Did you see the profits these jokers made? Over the the last few years, oil companies have done swell. They should "spread the joy" among their allies the automakers.
Oh well, tighten up your belts! It is going to get rough!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What a Disappointment
I respect anyone's right to free speech, until it becomes slander. Uninformed banter usually means fear or ignorance. It seems that both are in play now. It is shameful how this is playing out. I wonder if this was what the founding fathers had in mind when they framed the Constitution.
The economy is in trouble, we are in a war we should never have been in, and McCain wants to give tax breaks to the rich. What a disappointment.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Comedians joke about Governor Palin's intelligence. I am not joking, I am thoroughly convinced she is "life-stupid". For whatever reason, she seems to just say things that do not make a lot of sense. When she opens her mouth, I expect a bird to fly out. Funny though, I still have not heard a comment about the African-American guy who says Bristol's baby is not Levi's, but his. Can you say "Cover-up".
This is gonna be one interesting election. Does McCain and Palin actually think America is that stupid?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What Debate???
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Well, Well, Well; Surprise, Surprise!
The question now is "Do we have a deal. or don't we?" It is 10:02 PM EST and nothing seems to have been resolved. The game goes on.
Well, I am not surprised. Ever since GWB got in office, SNAFU seems to be the legacy of his administration. I guess we have to adopt a "wait "n" see" attitude and I bet it's going to be something. BS anyone?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Here We Go Again
President Bush went on TV this evening and laid the blame on everything but where it belongs...on this administration! His administration's support of the credit industry has lead to the problems we face today. He stated that the influx of foreign investors started the ball rolling...not true! The failure of the Bush administration to hold the credit industry accountable for their predatory practices was the "beginning of the end".
The credit card industry has been one of the largest, (if not the largest), financial supporters of the Bush Presidency. Their campaign contributions kept the heat from the industry players. It started with the credit card industry and the primary way to slow the snowballing problem down is to make the credit card industry stop their predatory practices. The public needs to be made aware and encouraged to to STOP using those cards and begin purchasing what they can afford to pay cash for. Getting something you want with a 29% interest rate attached is anything but practical. Having to pay enough late fees that your minimum payment automatically doubles is not the smartest thing for a consumer to continue to accept.
My suggestion...cut up the cards. Keep one for dire emergency.. Use Cash for everything. Hold them accountable...Free yourself from the yoke of DEBT>
There are solutions..research and use them.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Egos, Economy, Elections
Okay, because of the Hurricane Gustav, the Republican Convention has been delayed a tad. There must be some distance, (if only in appearance), from the present administration. Remember, it took Bush a long time to react to the plight of Katrina. So many issues still remain unresolved and here comes another disaster.
I have been looking at other economic flags. Credit card fees are rising, it is hard as hell to get a loan. Foreclosures are still rising, gas prices are astronomical, and more companies are send their production factories out of the country. Even Hershey's Chocolate has begun the process of moving their production to Mexico. In the name of profit, a lot of Americans will be out of work and no one cares.
Well, strap in everyone...we have a rough ride ahead.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Question: Will This Election Be Hijacked?
I fail to understand why so many died so the American people can vote, only to have so many disenfranchised, ignored, intimidated and just totally disrespected and then to try to spread Democracy around the world. Until we get it right, who are we to criticize other countries?
We need as a people begin the task of oversight. We have to be watchdogs of our Democracy. We need to hold those accountable who would act to prevent our citizens from casting their vote. The electronic voting machine of the past is obsolete. There needs to be a new machine; the Athan Gibbs machine should be investigated and implemented. At least you can verify your vote. To date, we have no way to be sure our votes counted. that has to change.
There is a documentary titled: "Uncounted: American Elections". The general impression I received from that film is that the upcoming election of 2008 stands a good chance of being hijacked. I believe that to be an accurate assessment. We must say no to inauditable, paperless voting machines. We need to contact our representatives in our state capitals and in Washington, DC and let them know that until we change these things and make our voting process more secure, Democracy as we believe we know is in danger of becoming a thing of the past. Eventually, we will be no better than the third world countries we are always criticizing for holding fraudulent elections. Now is the time to step up and be heard, be recognized and be counted.
Register to vote, find out what type of voting aparatus is being used at your polling place. Demand to know what kind of security is in place so your vote counts. I do not care who you vote for, because this issue affects us all. Let not those who would suppress the freedom of choice for every voter gain the upper hand again.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Our Basketball team should make a lot of noise, too. They have a point to prove. So far, they appear to be doing just that. I have to wonder, with all the doping scandals attached to US sprinters are they just plain distracted or the best is yet to come. It's funny how everyone is so vocal about the medal returns, the discovery of doping eight to ten years later and all the sickening events attributed to illegal substances, yet no one seems to want to know how all of these "discoveries" came about. I am more than sure no athlete just voluntarily came forward and admitted to doping. I doubt very seriously if "eyewitness testimony" carried that much weight. So where did the information come from and how reliable is it really? How deep does this thing really go? And of course, my biggest question: Are we going to find out that today's heroes had the same flaws twenty years from now? Are they gonna add new substances to the banned list and make them pay later?
Nothing surprises me. Don't get me wrong, doping is bad, it's wrong. It's too bad we live in a time where "win at all costs" is the thought for the day. Everyone is trying to get an edge because of all the accolades and financial gratuities attached to a winner. Well, this is the world we live in and only we can begin the change. Each one teach one. It may take awhile, but it can happen. For right though, let's support our heroes and urge them to achieve their goals the right way. Let's openly congratulate those who have done it the right way in such an era of temptation.
No matter where they are from; celebrate them! They have earned it.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I'm Back
Friday, May 30, 2008
Presidential Betrayal
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Global Tragedy; US trying to help, BUT WHAT ABOUT NEW ORLEANS?
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Clinton Pastor convicted of child molestation:
It is clear that the Media is BIASED and has no intention of dealing with the truth. We have to expose these kinds of things ourselves.
IF A PASTOR IS KNOWN BY THE COMPANY THEY KEEP! When the Rev. William Procanick put his hand on the Bible during his sex-abuse trial in Oneida County Court earlier this year, he swore to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But as the former Clinton pastor was sentenced Friday to three years in prison for inappropriately touching a 7-year-old girl at his home last March.
Judge Michael L. Dwyer said Procanick sacrificed his honesty the day he testified. Okay, so now that Bill and Hillary Clinton's pastor has been convicted of child molestation, will we see the same furor directed at Hillary that Obama has had to endure these last few weeks IF A CANDIDATE IS KNOWN BY THE PASTOR THEY KEEP.................
Then you need to email this article to everyone you know. Here the CLINTON'S Pastor is convicted of child molestation.
So, if Obama bears the guilt for his pastor's comments, then Hillary has
to be equally tainted by this guy's crimes.
Friday, April 25, 2008
THE VERDICT IS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
More Bad News
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
By Any Means Necessary
Monday, March 24, 2008
Repulican Conservatives: Masters of Manipulations
Saturday, March 22, 2008
How Low Can You Go?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sex in Politics????????????Nawww!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It's too soon to predict the outcome, but somebody sure is scared!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Politics, Politics, Politics
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Could someone please explain this to me
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Super Tuesday
Monday, February 4, 2008
congrats new york
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
sanctimonious segment of our population (to the delight of the Republicans), removed the real issues from the public eye and had us focusing on a egomaniac special prosecutor; a love-lorn, naive intern; a bored busy-body who was probably angry that Clinton never tried to seduce her! Oh well, let's see what happens. It is going to get DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!