Hello everyone! I have returned from my hiatus and continuing to watch the political landscape. Believe me, there is a whole lot to watch. The Governor of Illinois is charged with all kinds of corruption. He tried to sell a Senate seat! Are you kidding me? The cynical part of me believes he is not an isolated incident, but just the knucklehead who got caught. You know this guy had stones. He literally called out for his phones to be tapped. Little did the dummy know the FBI had been doing so for the last two years, at least. When will they learn?
Now let's talk about the economy. I have stated in previous blogs that the present administration was going to take us to the cleaners. Well America; WE HAVE BEEN FLEECED! Now what? I know many who are suddenly unemployed who do not deserve to be. I am fortunate to be employed, but barely and still unable to effectively meet my financial obligations. Yeah, I can admit that. I know I am not alone. I read an article where it was stated that GW Bush was concerned about his legacy. Well Georgie, your legacy is shot! Your decision to let Dick Cheney lead around by the nose during your presidency is your undoing. All those tax breaks, permission for big business to ship valuable employment overseas, along with a war on the wrong damned country has made you the sorriest president I have witnessed in my life. I give you credit; for years I thought Richard Nixon stole the country...You have surpassed him and should have been forced to resign years ago. I guess no one wanted another "Tricky Dick" in office. I sure didn't. That might have been your act of mercy for this country. Oh yeah, I forgot about your initiative toward the fight against global HIV/AIDS. Excellent effort, except you increased global funding by about 34% and domestic funding by less than 2%. Did I mention the economy is still spiraling downward? Ford, GM, Chrysler all screaming BROKE. They had the nerve to fly down to DC on private jets asking for money...Were they crazy or high? They returned this time by less expensive transportation, still begging. I have the solution! How about asking the oil companies to bail them out? They continued making "gas guzzling" behemoths and failed to produce the kind of vehicles that could meet the challenge of the foreign automakers. I believe since they have taken such good care of the oil industry; the oil industry should repay them in kind. Give the $34 billion to the the "Big 3", the oil companies won't miss it. Did you see the profits these jokers made? Over the the last few years, oil companies have done swell. They should "spread the joy" among their allies the automakers.
Oh well, tighten up your belts! It is going to get rough!
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