Sometimes, I expect politicians to behave badly, but not to this extent. Mudslinging; just part of the game. This time, though, it appears as though things are starting to get out of hand. The verbal attacks on Senator Obama are despicable to say the least. I keep hearing the McCain camp saying that Obama is a liar, however it has been my experience the liars in the last eight years came from the Republican side of the aisle. McCain has an interesting past and Palin is mired in stupidity. What's scary is that there are many who are gullible enough to believe her ignorant ramblings.
I respect anyone's right to free speech, until it becomes slander. Uninformed banter usually means fear or ignorance. It seems that both are in play now. It is shameful how this is playing out. I wonder if this was what the founding fathers had in mind when they framed the Constitution.
The economy is in trouble, we are in a war we should never have been in, and McCain wants to give tax breaks to the rich. What a disappointment.
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