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Monday, August 25, 2008

Question: Will This Election Be Hijacked?

Well, it is getting close to election time. I am as excited as anyone, but I am also very skeptical. Mainstream media is afraid to talk about what has happened previously in the Presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Personally, a blind man and a moron can see both elections were fraudulent, tainted and basically rigged. I personally will go to my grave believing that. Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 are perfect examples there was and still is a problem within our election system.

I fail to understand why so many died so the American people can vote, only to have so many disenfranchised, ignored, intimidated and just totally disrespected and then to try to spread Democracy around the world. Until we get it right, who are we to criticize other countries?

We need as a people begin the task of oversight. We have to be watchdogs of our Democracy. We need to hold those accountable who would act to prevent our citizens from casting their vote. The electronic voting machine of the past is obsolete. There needs to be a new machine; the Athan Gibbs machine should be investigated and implemented. At least you can verify your vote. To date, we have no way to be sure our votes counted. that has to change.

There is a documentary titled: "Uncounted: American Elections". The general impression I received from that film is that the upcoming election of 2008 stands a good chance of being hijacked. I believe that to be an accurate assessment. We must say no to inauditable, paperless voting machines. We need to contact our representatives in our state capitals and in Washington, DC and let them know that until we change these things and make our voting process more secure, Democracy as we believe we know is in danger of becoming a thing of the past. Eventually, we will be no better than the third world countries we are always criticizing for holding fraudulent elections. Now is the time to step up and be heard, be recognized and be counted.

Register to vote, find out what type of voting aparatus is being used at your polling place. Demand to know what kind of security is in place so your vote counts. I do not care who you vote for, because this issue affects us all. Let not those who would suppress the freedom of choice for every voter gain the upper hand again.


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