Well the race for the Presidential nomination is heating up. Both parties appear to be whittling down to their final choices. The Dems have already gotten to the last two candidates and things are getting interesting. The recent debate was actually civil and funny as hell. I wonder how long the civility will last? The Republicans on the other hand still have three people left to choose from. They all appear poor replicas of George W. Bush to me. It's funny, they claim to be looking for the second coming of Ronald Reagan....Heaven forbid! I would probably have to get a third job. Another president like that and there would be a poverty stricken population explosion. Republicans tend to produce poor people. They support industries who ship jobs abroad and encourage tax reliefs for the individuals creating the poverty in the first place. I have yet to hear any candidate come up with a solution to the present problems of low and no income families or individuals. Unemployment is around five percent (5%) and homelessness is rising hourly. The Mortgage Market is in shambles and adding to the madness. Is anybody, (other than the hoity-toity rich), ready for four more years of this? It costs a fortune to get an education and the costs continue to rise. So, with education not so affordable and no jobs for the newly educated, things continue to look bleak. Well, for the next ten months or so we will listen, watch and read what the candidates have to say and hope that our votes really count this time. The last two elections were stolen in plain sight and no one would do a thing about it. Hopefully, voters will not be afraid to go to the polls. Hopefully no one will be able to intimidate voters and manipulate people and machines to get more of the same in the Oval Office. The dirty play is set to begin. Rupert Murdoch has promised to leak some gathered information about Bill Clinton's alleged infidelity. You know what? I did not care about that madness when he was in office, and I do not care about that B/S now. He was a good President who had to clean up the mess Reagan and Bush, Sr. made. Unfortunately, before he could do so, the sex scandal happened and the
sanctimonious segment of our population (to the delight of the Republicans), removed the real issues from the public eye and had us focusing on a egomaniac special prosecutor; a love-lorn, naive intern; a bored busy-body who was probably angry that Clinton never tried to seduce her! Oh well, let's see what happens. It is going to get DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
I hear ya dawg. what about the 1/2 trillion bucks (and counting)and the 4000 plus(and counting)American military live wasted on a war trumped up by little bush to avenge a threat made by sadaam against bush 1. the whole episode is bush league if you ask me. the only winners in this fiasco seem to be the can shoot straight vp dick c and his cronies at halaburntya. rvs10
Hey there, you said a mouthful there. It's all about greed and money. Bush has to pay his campaign contributers back, so it is done with our lives and well-being.
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