Joe Slack, angry citizen, suicide murderer and crazy as hell! I know the climate of the country is one of anger and resentment toward the government and its agencies. People are unemployed, broke, homeless, starving and totally disillusioned at the way things turned out. Mentally impaired individuals with weapons are coming out of nowhere promoting, planning and executing acts of domestic terrorism.
James Von Brunn, another mad man with a weapon and a hatred for Jews and Blacks attacked and killed an innocent man and was subsequently killed by surviving security guards. Neither man knew their victims' names, nor did they care.
Slack is considered by some a hero for his act of domestic terrorism, while Von Brunn is just considered "nuts". Maybe in the circles of White Supremecists, VB might be considered a hero, too. Twisted, isn't it? The victims are the real heros. Two individuals who did no harm to their assassins, but paid the supreme price of both of their killer's insanities.
The anger perpetuated by the plunging economy is spreading like wildfire and if continued unchecked, the violence will escalate and the collateral damage will increase exponentially. The fuel to this anger is the raging conservative rhetoric of the tea party members. While not actually participating in the violence, (as far as we know), their rants and divisive actions are running many of the social accomplishments back the dark ages.
I spoke with an individual who is as angry as anyone I have ever seen at the government and how our citizens are being treated, but for the life of me, I cannot get it through his head that what he is angry about, my people have been subjected to the same thing since the abolishment of chattell slavery. He is a Viet Nam vet, who is being shafted by the same country he chose to defend and returned home to an ungrateful society calling him things like "child-killer" and "murderer", to name a few. He is homeless, unemployed, in need of medical care with little financial support. I feel his pain. The Veterans Administration wants to place him in substance abuse rehab, but the guy does not drink or use drugs. He needs a shelter that would act as a "hand-up" to allow him to become independent and self-supporting again, unfortunately, like so many other vets of other wars, there is no place like that for any of them.
Now, I am not saying this guy will snap and commit some kind of domestic attrocity, but the law of averages says there is at least one person like him close to the edge, with the idea of doing so. The rhetoric he speaks is so similar to the tea party, it's scary. Only without the bigoted overtones. Hopefully, something miraculous will happen and all of our vets will be treated fairly and get the help they need.
Hopefully, there will come a time where we will not have to wonder whether or not we will return home that evening as we leave to start our day. Let us be optimistic, shall we?
Now, the IRS? That is another blog. They have to be the most despised and hated government agency in America. Their agents are threatened constantly! Everyone who gets audited, hates them. They may have earned their reputation, because of the blanket authority they have and wield. They literally can take everything you own in the name of tax evasion. Heaven help you if you are caught cheating them. We read about celebreties that wind up in jail for not paying taxes. Unfortunately, little people also get punished for not paying taxes. It is harder on them, because they usually get cleaned out and ruined, so you wind up with angry little people with an ax to grind. Scary, isn't it?
I have no answers to that issue, but Joe Slack thought he did, unfortunately for everyone, (especially Vernon Hunter), he was dead, dead wrong. Anyone else have any more bright ideas?
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