Here we go again! The President is fighting an uphill battle (and what seems a losing one), because no one in Congress seems to realize they are supposed to serve the people, not the Fed, not the banking community, and not corporate fat cats! It seems they are paying up for those campaign contributions!
I see why the conservatives are surging. I listened to some of the speeches from their big gathering in DC and the keynote speaker is the best example of a reincarnation of every bigot I have ever seen, heard or read about. Glenn Beck is a racist posing as a Born-Again Christian. The Tea-Baggers, or Tea Party, whatever they call themselves have some good points, however their racism ansd bigotry is prevelant and on display. The statement made about illiterate people voting in the last election, was he or was he not referring to the days when Blacks were unable to vote if they could not pass a literacy test. I got news for you, Creep; a lot of your buddies wouldn't be able to pass a literacy test either, and they have been voting since they were eligible!
I am sick of hearing how they are going to save America, while millions continue to starve and fight poverty and homelessness. I am sick of hearing about how far we have come as a people when in reality the racism, bigotry and ignorance still exists, only with a little window dressing. The real problem is not between Blacks and Whites; it's between the "haves" and "have-nots". Racism and bigotry are only tools to keep the rest of us asleep and at each others' throats. However, some of us are too stupid to recognize when we have been played.
Getting back to the stupid Congress. For the first time, there is a President willing to work on both sides of the aisle and no one wants to agree on anything. Nothing is getting done, because everyone is playing politics. I see why the senator quit! It has to be frustrating for those who want to get something done, to be thwarted by knuckleheads who either stupid or just plain don't get it.
Well, I hate to bet the bearer of bad news, but if someone doesn't wake up, things are going to get much, much, worse. I can only hope that Glenn Beck is not the voice of the majority. I hope there are some with some kind of intelligence that can circumvent what his kind is trying to do. I personally am not with the Slavery thing. Maybe I am a bit paranoid, but it sure sounds like that is where this guy is going.
The whole situation is just sad.
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