The more things change, the more they stay the same. It is an old cliche' but it remains true today. I look at the advancements made by this society, only to also recognize the reverse path that is becoming apparent, lately. With all the technical advances, we are still a little backward in our thinking. I admit that any form of discrimination is wrong, however the facts remain that the game has not equaled out to the point that affirmative action is no longer needed. In today's job market, it is still difficult to secure a job for a person of color than for the Caucasion. Now, I am not saying that affirmative action is the answer, however I have yet to see a better solution.
I would like to be able to have faith that anyone qualified could go to any company and apply for a position and get hired solely on the merits of his qualifications. Truth is, without some form of checks and balances, it is not going to happen as it should. Because of the quotas, some individuals who were discriminated against because of nationality, gender, sexual persuasion, race or religious beliefs, have an opportunity to contribute to society. Prior to affirmative action, not so much.
Mind you, I do understand the "Reverse Discrimination" argument. In pure theory it is valid. Yet, to assume that today's society has grown to the point of no longer discriminating against those who are "different" is more than a bit misguided. I would like to see the day when differences do not factor in the decision making process of hiring, but it is not here yet. Do not get it twisted, we have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go.
There is still hope. Everyone has to work at it. This country is diverse, we should use that diversity to our advantage.
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