I more than anyone else recognize the right of free speech, however I find it sickening how so many can use that right to pronounce idiocy. Our political leaders are expected to display responsible, classy behavior. Sometimes they fall short.
One politician demonstrated his ability to fall way short of that expectation. Michael Jackson was acquitted of all charges! Get over it! He is gone; his memory and legacy are what the public is interested in, during this time. I can refer back to recent events of NYPD officers shooting unarmed individuals. In both cases, the officers were acquitted and concerned citizens were told to respect and abide by the decision of the juries. It would be easy to call all of those officers "MURDERERS". How fair is that? What I personally believe and what the juries believed may or may not differ, however I have to respect those decisions and GET OVER IT!
You called him a "pervert" and a "pedophile". Did you personally witnessed him committing acts of perversion? If so, why were you not in the court room? You do not know, you can only assume. So, Peter; stop being an ass; GROW UP & GET OVER IT! YOU DO NOT LOOK GOOD WITH LONG EARS AND A TAIL. HEE-HAW does not look or sound good on you.
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