Wednesday, February 27, 2008
As usual, economic news is bleak. Inflation is is rising and no one wants to spend money, they may not have. Mr. Bush, when you took the oath of the presidency, there was a surplus. After eight years of catering to the "haves" and continuing to ignore the basic needs of the "have-nots" it is actually safe to say that many members of the middle class might be less than two paychecks away from homelessness. The homeless population's numbers continue to rise. The numbers of individuals living the "American Dream" of home ownership are decreasing. Your poor decision-making, along with your catering to the rich has devastated this country. You have failed miserably and your legacy among the actual working class will stink. This war has done much more harm than good at home. The terrorist population in Afghanistan is continuing to rise, as a direct result of your policies. In some regions, they have fully recovered, completely reversing the accomplishments initially made. There have always been jokes about your lack of intelligence and normally as a rule, I usually ignore that sort of thing. However, you have granted the appearance of either being the most callous President in history, or the dumbest politician since Dan Quayle. Do I sound angry? I am. I am angry that the voters in this country were duped by you and your constituents, the phoney promises and grief you have brought upon the American people. I am angry every time I read about our soldiers dying because of your inability to make a proper decision. Wait a minute, I take that back! You had the ability to make the decision, you just failed to make it. Back to the economy, I see the direct results of your economic policy every day. I work in a Drop-in center. For the first time I see a large population of working homeless. I am talking about homeless people with real jobs that cannot make ends meet. Your policies have priced basic necessities out of the reach of the little people. Again, you have added to the legacy of Ronald Reagan; Both of you really love poor people; you continue to make so many of them.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It's too soon to predict the outcome, but somebody sure is scared!
Borak Obama seems to have done it again! He spanked Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin and Hawaii. Now, I can see her being a little apprehensive, however John McCain??? What's that about? His promise to fight "well articulated empty calls for change" makes it sound as though Hillary is history. What makes Obama's call for change so empty. It seems pretty substantial to me. A change is definitely in order. The rich Republicans should consider changing with the times. The race is not over, although we could all safely speculate that barring any unforeseen events, Obama may be the candidate for the Democratic party's Presidential Nomination. I hear a lot of talk about experience or lack thereof, however in Obama's case I think it is an advantage. He has yet to be tainted by Washington's poisoned environment. Special interests and money can spoil even the politicians with the best of intentions. So far, I have yet to see any indications that Obama has fallen into that trap. Judging from the amount of bills sponsored and authored by both candidates, I find there are suspicions where Hillary is concerned. They may be my suspicions, but I do have cause to wonder. Obama has co-authored, authored, co-sponsored and sponsored pproximately eight hundred twenty (820) bills. That is in six years. Hillary's record is nowhere near that. I wonder what kind of attack will Obama be faced with before the Texas and Ohio primaries? I am sure it will be interesting. The political soap opera continues.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Here we go again. Political Mudslinging is the strategy of the day. There's nothing new under the sun and that goes for political speeches. If the only thing the Clinton Camp can come up with to attack Obama is to berate him for using someone else's phrase from a previous speech, the campaign is in much worse shape than anyone realizes. When you speak of ideas related to issues, words will be repeated. If the Governor of Massachusetts did not have a problem with it, why should the Clinton Camp. The race for the Democratic nomination gets more and more interesting as time passes. I am starting to look at politics in a whole different light. A lot of "nit-picking" going on. It just does not make a lot of sense to me. Obama has an impressive documented record in Congress. Clinton has more lobbyist support than sponsored or authored bills. While I respect Hillary Clinton, I find myself extremely disappointed with her recent tactics. I am sure I am not alone on that one.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Politics, Politics, Politics
Okay!!! Here we go again. Someone sent me an email with an attachment of an article indicating the KKK was supporting Obama for president; because anyone had to be better than Hillary Clinton. Well, the article was from a British publication and I really could not verify the validity of the story, because in case you don't know, Great Britain has some devastating tabloids. The whole thing kind of puzzled me because I do not believe that the KKK would endorse an African American for nothing other that to be the guest of honor at one of their infamous "necktie parties". So, am I to believe this nonsense? I am not a fan of Hillary, but I just find that article hard to believe. Maybe the Grand Dragon or Grand Wizard believes his endorsement of Obama would make people turn away from him and vote for Hillary. A sort of "reverse psychology" so to speak. If that's the case, every individual, no matter who they are voting for, needs to be insulted. No one is that stupid. Well, we all need to get out and vote. I don't care for whom, just vote! Too many have died to see that we have the right to do so. Don't complain about policy and you fail to participate in the process.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Could someone please explain this to me
I saw a commercial for auto insurance and it kind hurt. Part of one of the greatest R&B vocal groups ever to grace a stage or a recording studio was trapped in buffoonery. Gladys Knight & the Pips gave decades of pleasure to millions over the years with their smooth, soulful sounds and dazzling, classy stage performances. When Gladys stepped away from the Pips to pursue a solo career, she kind of left the Pips dangling. They released one album and basically were never heard from again. Well, I am look at this commercial when they are introduced and they were in uniforms that did not fit, their uniforms did not match their shoes and they had on "Afro" wigs. I thought at first that maybe this was a spoof and I would find something funny about this before the end of the commercial, however I did not! I thought about sad it was that someone who had made such an impact in the music business had to be subjected to that kind of an insult. I realize that many performers from that era are struggling and we all need money, but someone should have stood up for them...better yet, maybe they should have stood up for themselves. I have no idea what the circumstances surrounding this situation were. I just know it seemed real sad. I hope whatever the motivation for that is resolved by now. As an avid fan I hope I will see the Pips and others of their era back in the spotlight again doing some real performing and not being exploited by someone who has not idea of their true value. R&B vocal groups of their caliber are actual national treasures...We need to remember that!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Super Tuesday
Super Tuesday is in the books. Clinton and Obama are in a dead heat. McCain is still beating the hell out of Romney and Huck seems to be gaining fast. I cannot remember seeing an election year this interesting. On the Democratic side, history will be made no matter who wins. On the Republican side it's all over but the shouting. Romney just doesn't know it yet. It is obvious by the results of the polls that this country needs and wants a change. The "business as usual" polotics of this administration has long since worn out its welcome. What is more interesting is that George W. Bush has been quiet. I have yet to hear him endorse anyone, nor show up at any campaign headquarters. Kind of unusal, don't you think? With all of the hype, you might expect the pres to be more vocal. Oh well, what could he possibly have to talk about, aside from admitting he was dead wrong for getting us into this war. He realizes the true meaning of "lame-duck president" and I don't think he likes it much. After his theft of two elections, he is probably wondering how to steal a third and get back into the White House. Let us hope for as fair one this time. Let us also hope that the promises can be kept this time. For those of you waiting to see what type of scandal may arise, you will have to wait and see who becomes the Democratic candidate. Rupert Murdoche will spring his surprises only if Hillary is the winner. Still we have to wonder what ol' Slick Willie has done to get himself in hot water this time. More will be revealed.
Monday, February 4, 2008
congrats new york
Well, the Giants are Superbowl Champs & New York is in euphoria. In times where news is so depressing, its cool to have something to cheer about. David slew Goliath when only faithful believed they had a chance. Maybe there's hope for us all. It was a great game and I have seen every Superbowl since the first one. This is one of, if not the best of them all. One flaw for me was the fact they gave Manning the MVP and the defensive line won that game for them. They kept New England in 3 & outs throughout the game. It's common knowledge that had the defense not played the game they did there was no chance for the Giant offense to keep up with the high-powered offense of the Patriots. But we cannot minimize the ramifications of the Giants victory, nor can we downplay the success of the Patriots 18-1 season. It was a great football season, although I doubt the oddsmakers would agree. Again, Congratulations New York Giants. By the way, has anyone heard from Tiki Barber?????????
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The economy is in shambles, most of the rest of the world hates our guts, our sons and daughters are being maimed and killed in a country that is unwilling to begin taking control of their own destiny, but our President would like us to believe that everything is okay. He would like us to look at the world through rose-colored glasses, while he and his cronies continue creating crisis after crisis. Meanwhile, the respect we once had as a country has dwindled badly. This administration has attacked and practically destroyed any positive accomplishments that were made in the last ten years. Michael Moorer really has them pissed with his documentaries. I particularly like the part in "Faranheight 911" where he challenges the politicians to encourage their own children to volunteer for military service in Iraq. I wonder if they would support the war if their own children were there. Jobs continue to be outsourced overseas to unbelievable numbers. I received calls from creditors who were all the way in Asia. These jokers call at 7:30am on a Saturday morning and will continue calling every 45 minutes until 10:30pm. Annoying as that sounds, those jobs should remain domestic and the unemployment rate would decrease. CEO's who wreck their companies get huge bonus' and ride off into the sunset in Bentleys & Rolls Royces, never to be heard from again. An average Joe misses too much time from work due to family or personal illness and he is fired with no severance package, and may have to wait almost ten business days for his final paycheck. George W. Bush is worried about his legacy...........he should be! Among the wealthy, he will be remembered as a hero who strengthened their net worth. Among the "not so wealthy" the initials "SOB" will constantly come to mind. Among the poverty can use your imagination. I really should not write what probably come to their minds. Yet, the man continues to tell us we are okay. So, I guess we were suffering under Bill Clinton....Funny, I only had one job under "Slick Willie" and made things work comfortably. Now I have two jobs and can barely survive. If that is "better off" I am missing something. Everyone talks about crime but no one is doing anything about the main causes. The bottom of a society is usually a reflection of the top. So it stands to reason that with all the crooks in this government there can only be criminals outside of their clique. They are staunch role models for any white collar criminal to emulate. It's funny that they claim such morality when all the while they are continuing to fleece the American populace. Something's got to give.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Well the race for the Presidential nomination is heating up. Both parties appear to be whittling down to their final choices. The Dems have already gotten to the last two candidates and things are getting interesting. The recent debate was actually civil and funny as hell. I wonder how long the civility will last? The Republicans on the other hand still have three people left to choose from. They all appear poor replicas of George W. Bush to me. It's funny, they claim to be looking for the second coming of Ronald Reagan....Heaven forbid! I would probably have to get a third job. Another president like that and there would be a poverty stricken population explosion. Republicans tend to produce poor people. They support industries who ship jobs abroad and encourage tax reliefs for the individuals creating the poverty in the first place. I have yet to hear any candidate come up with a solution to the present problems of low and no income families or individuals. Unemployment is around five percent (5%) and homelessness is rising hourly. The Mortgage Market is in shambles and adding to the madness. Is anybody, (other than the hoity-toity rich), ready for four more years of this? It costs a fortune to get an education and the costs continue to rise. So, with education not so affordable and no jobs for the newly educated, things continue to look bleak. Well, for the next ten months or so we will listen, watch and read what the candidates have to say and hope that our votes really count this time. The last two elections were stolen in plain sight and no one would do a thing about it. Hopefully, voters will not be afraid to go to the polls. Hopefully no one will be able to intimidate voters and manipulate people and machines to get more of the same in the Oval Office. The dirty play is set to begin. Rupert Murdoch has promised to leak some gathered information about Bill Clinton's alleged infidelity. You know what? I did not care about that madness when he was in office, and I do not care about that B/S now. He was a good President who had to clean up the mess Reagan and Bush, Sr. made. Unfortunately, before he could do so, the sex scandal happened and the
sanctimonious segment of our population (to the delight of the Republicans), removed the real issues from the public eye and had us focusing on a egomaniac special prosecutor; a love-lorn, naive intern; a bored busy-body who was probably angry that Clinton never tried to seduce her! Oh well, let's see what happens. It is going to get DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
sanctimonious segment of our population (to the delight of the Republicans), removed the real issues from the public eye and had us focusing on a egomaniac special prosecutor; a love-lorn, naive intern; a bored busy-body who was probably angry that Clinton never tried to seduce her! Oh well, let's see what happens. It is going to get DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
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