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Friday, September 18, 2009

Wake up!

Former President Jimmy Carter got it right when he called the outburst of the South Carolina Congressmen racially motivated. It is an attitude that has stuck in the craw of White America since the Emancipation Proclamation. "Uppity Negroes" have angered the status qou for years. We have been so used to ignoring racially motivated incidents and attacks for so long, because it is not as blatant as it was during the 1950's and 1960's. Rush Limbaugh and that knucklehead Beck are trying to keep the racial divide in tact. Their fear mongering tactics are reprehensible at least. Rush Limbaugh must have been victimized on a bus when he was a kid. He looks like he might have been the one everyone picked on, who could not fight a common cold. I wonder how many times he lost his lunch money. And that A/H Beck! Wow! Racist or Bigot cannot describe that creature. Mind you, not all White conservatives are racist, however those two definitely are and they cannot prove otherwise. There is covert and overt racists and unconscious and conscious racists..These jokers are conscious, overt racists..no ifs, no ands, no buts! The scary thing is the amount of ignorant individuals that follow their lead. President Obama was a one term senator who is now the most powerful politician on the planet and that makes the racist element in this country mad as hell. Everyone, I do not care what race or ethnicity you are, needs to wake up! Because guess what, when they cannot attack African Americans, who knows who will be next. Italians, Irish, Polish? You are all eligible! You better wake up!


This healthcare thing has big negative connotations to it. The controversy is scary. I am busy trying to see just what the whole uproar is about. Possible higher taxes? I get that is something to beef about. I am tired of taxes, too. Yet, this disagreement is getting a nasty and completley out of control. The AMA and Health Insurance lobby has done its job. With plenty of mud-slinging and misinformation they have succeeded in keeping both sides from coming to any type of mutual agreement. The facts are real! The Healthcare system in this country is not working. So, instead of fixing it, we insult, lie and character assassinate each other, therefore not getting anything done. We can agree to disagree and be civil about it. That is not what is happening. The far right and their minions;(Rush, Beck and the rest of those fools), would rather see the President fail than to encourage a solution. They are still pissed there is a Black man in the White House. They need to get over it. They accuse him of being racist; they say he is not a citizen and all kind of madness. The scary part is that there are all kinds of ignorant, uneducated knuckleheads that are listening and taking the garbage as face value. Racism is alive and well and living in America. Here we are trying to police the world and we still have issues we cannot seem to address. We will never agree on everything. Healthy arguements, debates and disagreements are okay, but the results of this Tea Party thing is nutz I keep looking for the White Sheets and burning crosses. They have depicted the President as a monkey and a witch doctor all of which are racially motivated. Personally, I wish he was a witch doctor, then he could put a hex on all of those racist *$#@**%&&*s.