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Saturday, March 29, 2008


The more I hear about the Reverend Wright furor, the angrier I get. The mainstream press says virtually nothing about racial arsonists like Pat Buchanan and driving this Rev. Wright thing in the ground. Everyone beefs about the race card, yet the mainsteam media continues to play it. Again, the double standard is in play. Buchanan, and many others from the right-wing expound their bigoted tirades and you may hear of it once or twice. After that, nothing. A lot of others like the aforementioned; such as Rush Limbaugh and that whole crew seem immune from the wrath of the mainstream press media. Let's face it, there is just a different standard for racial issues and attacks for Whites and for Blacks. White bigots get TV and radio shows, Reverend Wright who actually did not attack White America, just the deeds of some of its citizenry gets blasted as if he is the Black version of Hitler; and because Obama is running for the Democratic Nomination for President, this suddenly becomes a huge thing. Get over it, most of you are looking for a reason not to vote for an African-American anyway. Show the full sermon and the true date; then come see me. Otherwise, GET REAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

By Any Means Necessary

The continued furor over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is attacking Obama like a virus attacking an immune system. Clinton's only recourse is to convince the super-delegates that Obama is not electable. The conservative Republican Attack Machine is in full swing and during the general election will be ten times more aggressive. The kind of spin those lowlifes are capable of will make or break the electorate of this country. If another Republican winds up in the White House, we will be in Deep, Deep DO-DO! The biggest problem is that individuals who are now aware of Rev. Wright's controversial speech, usually read nothing about politics. The odd thing is that I personally have only seen the inflammatory part of the sermon; what happened to the rest? Allow the public to see everything. Again, the media is trying not to offend the powers that be so get ready for some fireworks. The Clintons will do anything to get that nomination. It is not going to get any easier. "Down and Dirty" is the theme of the rest of this political journey. Those who suggested Obama denounce Wright altogether do not realize how the African-American community would look at that. The way he handled the situation was admirable and classy. You do not have to agree with someone to be friends with them. Republicans and Democrats are friendly, but disagree about almost everything. Funny, no one mentions Bill Clinton's contacts with Rev. Wright, during the time when he was trying to stave off impeachment. He was trying to woo every Black Clergyperson he could. Oh well, again we must see what happens. The answer should come from the voters, not FOX news. However, we all know how that is going to work.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Repulican Conservatives: Masters of Manipulations

As I look at the controversy surrounding Borak Obama's former minister, I have to admit I am in awe of the Republican Machine, (and believe me there is one), and how they have begun to set in motion another plan to steal the election and the country. You see they continue to find ways to promote dissension in the Democratic Party, by continuing to fuel the fire between Clinton and Obama. Unfortunately, nobody actually sees the deception. By splitting the Party, no matter who wins the nomination, no one will be completely satisfied, thereby jeopardizing the electability of either candidate. So, guess what, the Republicans win again. The good news is that the knucklehead with the initials "GWB" will no longer be in the White House. It is going to be a long hard election. Hopefully the rest of America will wake up and do what is right for us all.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How Low Can You Go?

Well, every time I think the conservatives cannot get any lower, they get together and get way down. Fox network has been chasing the story about Obama's Minister for months. They have tried for months to discredit Obama. Fox anchors have made it their business to keep the powers that be in place. You see again we see the rich getting richer and many conservatives doing their best to keep it that way. The FOX crew continues fear mongering, outright lying all in an effort to maintain the status quo. They defend the war, defend the broke down economy, defend the knucklehead in the White House and swear on a stack of Bibles their way is the righteous way. If that is true; we are in deep, deep dodo! What makes them so despicable is their arrogance. It is fall such a shame that they claim to believe in all the things we have been taught this country is supposed to stand for and then turn right around and act as if they were back in the early nineteenth century. I have tried not to play the race card, so instead I will play the money card. None of these conservatives care anything about the poor, the downtrodden, the less fortunate who have fallen between the cracks. As a matter of fact, they consistently blame those same unfortunate souls for the predicament they find themselves in. Why? Because in order for them to continue to perpetuate their lifestyles, the poor need to get poorer and the middle class needs to be squeezed. FOX is doing their job quite well for the conservative agenda. They are replicating themselves and continuing to add more numbers to the poor. So the next time a panhandler approaches you for a handout, give the conservative agenda a big "Thank you" and hope that one day you won't be in that guy's shoes

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sex in Politics????????????Nawww!

Well, another one bites the dust! The ex-governor of New York got caught spending the equivalent of about three years of my salary on call girls. The ex-governor of New Jersey involved in a bitter divorce with new freaky overtones. It seems his driver claims to have participated in "threesomes" with the ex governor and his wife. It's real funny how these people get caught with their pants down. What really surprises me is how that other senator of congressman got caught in the gay bathroom sting. I'll say one thing, it is bi-partisan. Sex scandals are becoming a part of the political landscape. Instead of asking "where do they stand on the issues?" you ask, "Who are they doin' ?", (or who is doin' them?"). Personally, I am sick of the whole thing. People in trusted positions putting themselves in crazy situations. How can they risk everything for so little? The word "arrogance" comes to mind. "I have the power to do whatever I want and I will never get caught!" Wanna bet? Welcome to reality...You do get caught, you do get held accountable. I am not concerned with their sex lives... I just want to know they can do the job. However, they never get a full opportunity, because they can't keep their pants up. I wish they would wake up.